Organic Granulated Garlic
Organic Granulated Garlic is also referred to as organic garlic granule
This is one of the few spices that are more flavorful when dried since the drying process highly concentrates the flavor. Unlike fresh garlic, which typically has a very upfront flavor, dehydrated garlic adds more subtle complexity.
One fresh garlic clove = ¼ teaspoon of granulated garlic, 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder, ½ teaspoon minced garlic.
Granulated Garlic is usually the preferred choice of the various types of dried garlic when substituting for fresh. Granulated Garlic is especially good with just about anything savory. It's wonderful on garlic bread, chili, sauces, soups, spice blends, and stews.
Granulated Garlic pairs well with basil, beans, chile peppers, ginger, greens, onions, spinach, and turmeric.