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Org. Dill Weed

Org. Dill Weed


Dill Weed is breezy and grassy, with top notes of lemon and a bit of caraway and licorice for depth. Its flavor is upfront, does not linger, and has no bitter aftertaste.


Dill Weed is outstanding with breads, fish, dips, gravies, sauces and in salads (especially coleslaw, macaroni and potato), salad dressings, chicken, egg and meat dishes.

This herb also pairs exceptionally well with chunky vegetables like beets, beans, carrots and fennel as well as delicate leafy greens. It partners well with basil, garlic, horseradish, mustard, paprika and parsley.


Because of its delicate nature, Dill Weed should be added at the end of cooking time, or in recipes that require little or no cooking. Extended exposure to heat will cause the essential oils to evaporate and the herb will lose flavor.

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